As you may already have heard from others: Delphi 12 is around the corner and I was giving permission by Embarcadero to blog about some new features. This article is about some improvements made to TZipFile in Delphi 12. Continue reading “TZipFile Improvements in Delphi 12”
Category: Programming
Icon Lab in Action and New Overlays
You may remember my previous blog post where I announced I had been collaborating with icon designer Dave Wilkinson over at GlyphLab. I created for him Icon Lab an app that uses his latest huge library of icons to create new icons on the fly. No expensive graphics software or skills needed.
His “Set Eleven” Windows style icons came with a library of eighty overlays. Icon Lab lets you easily combine any base icon with the overlays of your choice. Continue reading “Icon Lab in Action and New Overlays”
IconLab – A Companion for Set-Eleven
About half a year ago I blogged about the new SVG icon set from GlyphLab. Although it comes with thousands of icons in all flavors, sometimes there is a need for that one combination with a specific overlay that is missing in the set.
While there are solutions to use SVG icons directly in an TImageCollection, there are situations where you need to use PNG icons where no SVG version exists. If we could get different PNG and ICO sizes from an SVG icon, that would come in handy here. Continue reading “IconLab – A Companion for Set-Eleven”
ImageLists and High DPI – Part 2
For all of you eagerly waiting for the interesting part of this article – here it is. In case you don’t know what I’m talking about, please read the introductory article first. Continue reading “ImageLists and High DPI – Part 2”
ImageLists and High DPI
I think we have to face it: More and more systems are equipped with monitors capable of displaying in higher density and people expect that our apps support these higher resolutions. While not that often, but still significant, we can see multiple monitor systems with mixed density getting their share.
With the release of Delphi 11.2 I thought that it might be time to bite the bullet and empower one of my bigger apps for High DPI support. Some edge cases with not commonly used components and other unavoidable quirks were expected. Luckily I was able to fix all of them or at least found acceptable workarounds.
The big task I have already been aware of for quite some time were the image lists. Continue reading “ImageLists and High DPI”