I am happy to announce that with the general availability of Delphi 11 my IDE plugins are updated to fully support the new version.
Here are the download links:
Project Magician
Selective Debugging
Opinions, thoughts and ideas mostly related to Delphi Programming
I am happy to announce that with the general availability of Delphi 11 my IDE plugins are updated to fully support the new version.
Here are the download links:
Project Magician
Selective Debugging
I just released a small bug fix for Project Magician. It is possible that you notice a difference inside the Deployment structure with this, but it should stay stable with this version. There is also a fix for an exception with some dproj files.
The command line tool now evaluates the -v parameter correctly.
Version 1.0.10 can be downloaded here: Project Magician
To minimize the effort needed to comply with the GDPR rules, as of today all comments are disabled until further notice.
I plan to reactivate comments when I can get reliable instructions on how to make it work according to GDPR. Unfortunately it is not done with just adding a checkbox to get consent for storing personal data. I am still investigating if I should better delete all existing comments just to be on the safe side.
In the meantime I will post a note about any new blog entry on G+ where comments are still welcome.
BTW, the blog uses a new theme now – just in case you didn’t notice.
I guess it is since Delphi 10 Seattle that dproj files are changed on disk even if no change was done to the project settings inside the IDE. This is a real PITA with version control systems.
Actually there are no changes to the content – it is just reordered somewhat randomly. The only consistency is that the order changes with every save operation. The reason seems to be the use of dictionaries for some entries inside the IDE.
As this bothered me a lot recently I wrote an IDE plugin that orders the dproj file in a consistent way. It is called DprojNormalizer and can be downloaded here: DprojNormalizer
DprojNormalizer has no settings or options. It does its job while it is installed and active. If you don’t want that you have to disable or uninstall it.
If you find cases where the dproj file unexpectedly changes, please give me a note and I will see if it can be handled as well.
That’s it – a start of a new block blog.
Here I will share some of my thoughts about Delphi programming, present some Delphi code (mostly mine) and publish whatever I consider worth it.
Be there plenty of lines before we encounter the end.