There is a small update for DprojNormalizer available. The only change is that the entry for SanitizedProjectName is moved to the beginning of the property group. This allows the use of this variable in subsequent properties.
I stumbled upon this when working on a project where $(SanitizedProjectName) is used in the DCU output path to have different DCU paths for each project inside a project group. This reduces the chance of linking the wrong DCU files when working with different conditional defines or settings between projects sharing some source files.
Although this definitely worked some time ago, this entry now resolves to an empty string. The reason is the changed sorting of the dproj file due to the use of DprojNormalizer. The system tries to resolve the DCU output path while SanitizedProjectName is still not defined yet.
BTW, I know it has been rather quiet here during the last few months. Rest assured there are some nice things cooking in the labs, so stay tuned.